Feb 21, 2023 | News, Research
Initial research findings from ACRC on housing in Dar es Salaam feature in a recent article in Tanzanian national newspaper, The Guardian. The article highlights concerns and policy recommendations emerging from a stakeholders’ meeting held in Dar es Salaam on 1...
Dec 5, 2022 | News, Research
Tanzanian newspaper The Guardian covered a recent stakeholder engagement workshop held by ACRC’s Dar es Salaam team. The aim of the meeting was to formally introduce the research programme to stakeholders, outline the issues it is aiming to address, and build interest...
May 24, 2021 | Commentary
What can we learn from looking at Africa through the lens of its cities? This blog is the third in a series exploring different aspects of city development and urban change in Africa, featuring contributions from researchers and practitioners working within the...
May 10, 2021 | Commentary
What can we learn from looking at Africa through the lens of its cities? This blog is the second in a series exploring different aspects of city development and urban change in Africa, featuring contributions from researchers and practitioners working within the...