Jul 23, 2021 | Commentary
What can we learn from looking at Africa through the lens of its cities? This blog is the sixth in a series exploring different aspects of city development and urban change in Africa, featuring contributions from researchers and practitioners working within the...
May 24, 2021 | Commentary
What can we learn from looking at Africa through the lens of its cities? This blog is the third in a series exploring different aspects of city development and urban change in Africa, featuring contributions from researchers and practitioners working within the...
May 13, 2021 | Commentary, Covid Collective
By Professor Diana Mitlin, CEO of the African Cities Research Consortium This case study – originally published as part of the Covid Collective Research for Policy and Practice series – shows how an urban social movement was able to produce the knowledge that state...
May 10, 2021 | Commentary
What can we learn from looking at Africa through the lens of its cities? This blog is the second in a series exploring different aspects of city development and urban change in Africa, featuring contributions from researchers and practitioners working within the...
Apr 26, 2021 | Commentary
What can we learn from looking at Africa through the lens of its cities? This blog is the first in a series exploring different aspects of city development and urban change in Africa, featuring contributions from researchers and practitioners working within the...