Mar 18, 2024 | Commentary
By Adewumi Badiora, ACRC Lagos safety and security domain lead Lagos is the most populous city in Africa and a regional economic giant, having west Africa’s busiest seaport. It is the centre of commercial and economic activities in Nigeria. The city’s population is...
Feb 5, 2024 | News, Research
ACRC has published new research, exploring safety and security in six African cities: Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo; Freetown, Sierra Leone; Lagos, Nigeria; Maiduguri, Nigeria; Mogadishu, Somalia; and Nairobi, Kenya. Insecurity, crime and violence have a...
Nov 23, 2023 | Commentary, Research
By Adewumi Badiora, ACRC Lagos safety and security domain lead Globally, an historic evolution is in progress. Megacities – defined by the UN as cities with populations of over 10 million – are emergent in Africa. Lagos in Nigeria, Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic...
Nov 9, 2023 | News, Research
The African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) is commencing pilot action research projects in four African cities: Nairobi, Kenya; Harare, Zimbabwe; Maiduguri, Nigeria and Mogadishu, Somalia. Aimed at reducing urban poverty and inequality, these interventions are the...
Sep 14, 2023 | Commentary, Research
By Adewumi Badiora, ACRC Lagos safety and security domain lead Lagos is the commercial nerve centre of Nigeria and one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. It is also Africa’s largest city in terms of population size, with the researchers projecting that...