Dec 2, 2022 | News, Research
By Charity Mumbi, projects officer at SDI-Kenya African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) research aims to unravel the complex challenges that impede urban development. It recognises that there are different actors and political interplay that influence the shape of...
Nov 28, 2022 | Commentary, Research
The informal settlement of Cockle Bay lies along the western coast of Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital, and is home to more than 16,000 people. Proximity to the sea plays a prominent role in the lives of residents, delivering sustenance and employment. But it also...
Nov 10, 2022 | Commentary, Research
What is ACRC’s research in Freetown all about? How does housing connect with land, youth employment and the rising costs of imported materials? How do political systems both help and hinder meaningful change? What attention is paid to informal settlements? Does the...
Oct 13, 2022 | News, Research
By Rosebella Apollo, ACRC research uptake officer Despite numerous interventions, African cities continue to grapple with urbanisation challenges that affect living conditions, service delivery and life chances of city residents – especially those from marginalised...