Mar 27, 2023 | Commentary, Research
ACRC defines inclusive urban reform coalitions as partnerships between government, experts and civil society organisations – often directly involving communities and groups most directly affected by the issues at hand – to drive sustainable urban transformation. In...
Jan 24, 2023 | Commentary, Research
“This is kind of a hub, if you will, that’s bringing in goods and services to the wider group of people in the informal settlements. And you can think about anything that you need in your life, in your home. So things to do with food, clothes, anything that you...
Aug 4, 2022 | Covid Collective, News, Research
Covid Collective A multi-partner international group, the Covid Collective is working to provide evidence on the social dimensions of the pandemic to inform decisionmaking on Covid-19-related development challenges. Supported by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and...
Jun 21, 2022 | Commentary, Covid Collective, Research
Covid Collective A multi-partner international group, the Covid Collective is working to provide evidence on the social dimensions of the pandemic to inform decisionmaking on Covid-19-related development challenges. Supported by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and...
Jun 20, 2022 | Commentary, Covid Collective, Research
Covid Collective A multi-partner international group, the Covid Collective is working to provide evidence on the social dimensions of the pandemic to inform decisionmaking on Covid-19-related development challenges. Supported by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and...