Nov 9, 2023 | News, Research
The African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) is commencing pilot action research projects in four African cities: Nairobi, Kenya; Harare, Zimbabwe; Maiduguri, Nigeria and Mogadishu, Somalia. Aimed at reducing urban poverty and inequality, these interventions are the...
Sep 22, 2023 | Commentary, Covid Collective, Research
Covid Collective A multi-partner international group, the Covid Collective is working to provide evidence on the social dimensions of the pandemic to inform decisionmaking on Covid-19-related development challenges. Supported by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and...
Aug 8, 2023 | Commentary, Research
Climate change is compounding existing challenges facing residents and workers in Harare’s informal settlements. Its effects are particularly being felt by those living in marginalised areas of the city, who are less prepared to deal with the impacts. A new...
Apr 28, 2023 | Commentary
By Evans Itayi Banana, ACRC Harare research uptake lead (Dialogue on Shelter for the Homeless Trust) Democratising research processes has long been a contested subject. While co-production of knowledge presents vast opportunities for positive development outcomes,...
Apr 18, 2023 | Commentary
Guest blog by Astrid RN Haas, fellow at the University of Toronto’s Infrastructure Institute and extraordinary lecturer in the University of Pretoria’s Department of Economics Economists have long claimed there is overwhelming evidence that urbanisation...