Mar 22, 2023 | Commentary
By Elizabeth Dessie, Smith Ouma, Patience Adzande, Nicola Banks, Ezana Haddis Weldeghebrael, Joshua Magero, Miriam Maina, Diana Mitlin and Ademola Omoegun The nuances of working with marginalised individuals and communities are plentiful, with some parallels and many...
Jan 24, 2023 | Commentary, Research
“This is kind of a hub, if you will, that’s bringing in goods and services to the wider group of people in the informal settlements. And you can think about anything that you need in your life, in your home. So things to do with food, clothes, anything that you...
May 25, 2022 | Commentary, Research
Urban development domains ACRC’s analytical framework uses the concept of urban development domains to transcend both sectoral and traditional systems-based thinking. We define domains as fields of power, policy and practice that are relevant to solving particular...